Linux 2.6.39-rc3的一个插曲
2011年4月12日,Linux 2.6.39-rc3发布了,Linus Torvalds写了一个发布邮件,其中包含了一个长长的为这个版本做过贡献的人员名单,这个名单中有很多看上去应该是中国人的名字,我挺为他们感到骄傲的(不知道你是否还记得以前本站的”Linux是由谁写的“)。
不过,没过一会,发现了一个bug,经过大家的调查(2.6.38版没有发现这个问题),很快,找到了原因,是因为一个内存地址的问题,一个叫Yinghai Lu的人(看其名字应该是中国人,其邮件是找到了原因—— radeon card使用了一个不正确的内存地址[0xa0000000 – 0xc000000]。Joerg Roedel跟贴说,这个地址超出了4GB的内存,然后他和Alex Deucher聊了一会,觉得不应该是这个问题,因为这个地址应该是GPU的,而不是系统内存的。
好像,Yinghai Lu没有理会他们说的不应该是这个问题,给出了个fix:
diff --git a/arch/x86/kernel/aperture_64.c b/arch/x86/kernel/aperture_64.c index 86d1ad4..3b6a9d5 100644 --- a/arch/x86/kernel/aperture_64.c +++ b/arch/x86/kernel/aperture_64.c @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ static u32 __init allocate_aperture(void) * so don't use 512M below as gart iommu, leave the space for kernel * code for safe */ - addr = memblock_find_in_range(0, 1ULL<<32, aper_size, 512ULL<<20); + addr = memblock_find_in_range(0, 1ULL<<32, aper_size, 512ULL<<21); if (addr == MEMBLOCK_ERROR || addr + aper_size > 0xffffffff) { printk(KERN_ERR "Cannot allocate aperture memory hole (%lx,%uK)\n",
看到这个fix,Linus Torvalds不高兴了,他回贴问道:
- 为什么全都是Magic Numbers?
- 为什么0x80000000就那么特殊?
- 为什么我们这样改就行?
This kind of “I broke things, so now I will jiggle things randomly until they unbreak” is not acceptable. 这种“我把事搞砸了,就随意地调整直到事情又工作”的方式是不可接受的。
还说,这里即没有说明为什么我们fix在了正确的地方(也没有解释那些Magic Number是什么),也没有回滚那个有问题的patch。还说——
Don’t just make random changes. There really are only two acceptable models of development: “think and analyze” or “years and years of testing on thousands of machines”. Those two really do work.
不要乱改。那里只有两个可行的开发模式:“思考和分析” 或是 “数年数年地不断地在几千台机器上测试”。这两个方式才是真正可行的。
当然,Yinghai Lu对其做了解释,说我们的确调查过了,老的代码用的内存地址是0x80000000,新的则是用0xa0000000,而0xa0000000不工作。这又引发了 Linus Torvalds 的不满的回贴。Linus说——
Yinghai, we have had this discussion before, and dammit, you need to understand the difference between “understanding the problem” and “put in random values until it works on one machine”.
There was absolutely _zero_ analysis done. You do not actually understand WHY the numbers matter. You just look at two random numbers, and one works, the other does not. That’s not “analyzing”. That’s just “random number games”.
If you cannot see and understand the difference between an actual analytical solution where you _understand_ what the code is doing and why, and “random numbers that happen to work on one machine”, I don’t know what to tell you.
然后,Linus Torvalds进行了谆谆教导——(相当的受用啊)
Let me repeat my point one more time.
You have TWO choices. Not more, not less:
– choice #1: go back to the old allocation model. It’s tested. It doesn’t regress. Admittedly we may not know exactly _why_ it works, and it might not work on all machines, but it doesn’t cause regressions (ie the machines it doesn’t work on it _never_ worked on).
– 选择一:回滚到老的分配模式。那是测试过的。它过了回归测试。诚然,我们也许不知道为什么那样能行,并且,即使是那样也不一定能在所有的机器上工作,但是其没有让回归测试有问题(这个代码永不可能在不能运行的系统上运行)
And this doesn’t mean “old value for that _one_ machine”. It means “old value for _every_ machine”. So it means we revert the whole bottom-down thing entirely. Not just “change one random number so that the totally different allocation pattern happens to give the same result on one particular machine”.
– Choi