


  • Product Marketing Manager
  • Product Manager
  • Software Engineer
  • Software Engineer in Test
  • Quantitative Compensation Analyst
  • Engineering Manager
  • AdWords Associate


Product Marketing Manager
  • Why do you want to join Google?
  • What do you know about Google’s product and technology?
  • If you are Product Manager for Google’s Adwords, how do you plan to market this?
  • What would you say during an AdWords or AdSense product seminar?
  • Who are Google’s competitors, and how does Google compete with them?
  • Have you ever used Google’s products? Gmail?
  • What’s a creative way of marketing Google’s brand name and product?
  • If you are the product marketing manager for Google’s Gmail product, how do you plan to market it so as to achieve 100 million customers in 6 months?
  • How much money you think Google makes daily from Gmail ads?
  • Name a piece of technology you’ve read about recently. Now tell me your own creative execution for an ad for that product.
  • Say an advertiser makes $0.10 every time someone clicks on their ad. Only 20% of people who visit the site click on their ad. How many people need to visit the site for the advertiser to make $20?
  • Estimate the number of students who are college seniors, attend four-year schools, and graduate with a job in the United States every year.
Product Manager
  • How would you boost the GMail subscription base?
  • What is the most efficient way to sort a million integers?  (陈皓:merge sort)
  • How would you re-position Google’s offerings to counteract competitive threats from Microsoft?
  • How many golf balls can fit in a school bus? (陈皓:这种题一般来说是考你的解题思路的,注意,你不能单纯地把高尔夫球当成一个小立方体,其是一个圆球,堆起来的时候应该是错开的——也就是三个相邻的球的圆心是个等边三角形)
  • You are shrunk to the height of a nickel and your mass is proportionally reduced so as to maintain your original density. You are then thrown into an empty glass blender. The blades will start moving in 60 seconds. What do you do?
  • How much should you charge to wash all the windows in Seattle?
  • How would you find out if a machine’s stack grows up or down in memory?
  • Explain a database in three sentences to your eight-year-old nephew. (陈皓:用三句话向8岁的侄子解释什么是数据库,考你的表达能力了)
  • How many times a day does a clock’s hands overlap?(陈皓:经典的时钟问题)
  • You have to get from point A to point B. You don’t know if you can get there. What would you do?
  • Imagine you have a closet full of shirts. It’s very hard to find a shirt. So what can you do to organize your shirts for easy retrieval? (陈皓:很不错的一道题,不要以为分类查询很容易,想想图书馆图书的分类查询问题吧。另外,你处想想如何在你在你的衣柜里实现一个相当于Hash表或是一个Tree之类的数据结构)
  • Every man in a village of 100 married couples has cheated on his wife. Every wife i